Black dog
FoundationSince the start in 2015, we have helped over 500 dogs and other small animals. We work with rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming dogs. We also act as a foster home to help other Swedish dog and cat associations. We also run a unique senior sanctuary where we save old, vulnerable, and neglected dogs by giving them a nice life here at the sanctuary in Småland. You can become a sponsor for our sanctuary dogs!
About us
What does Black Dog mean?
Black Dog is a metaphor for the unwanted (usually black) dogs that are always adopted last – if at all – as well as those who are older or a little broken. We invest heavily in our sanctuary where old dogs can live their whole lives or in the final stages of life – dogs that no one else wants to take on due to the limited time you have together. In other words, those who really need someone the most. THEY are our black dogs. Our goal is to acknowledge the dogs that are never seen, to save the dogs that no one wants to save, and to love the dogs that have always been unloved. Here, the dogs should live an enriched and painless life and never have to walk alone towards the rainbow bridge. It hurts us enormously to lose the dogs we saved (read about the gripping fate of our sanctuary angels under “sanctuary angels”), but our motto is “Better to love and lose an old dog, than to let it live and die alone”.
What we do
At the dog rescue, we make sure that the animals we take care of find their “forever home” after they have been rehabilitated and evaluated. The dogs come from different backgrounds.
When we have spots left and the possibility to do so, we can help with rehoming dogs that are cared for by authorities as well as from private individuals or other associations.
Our founder Sandra Tigerlind is a certified dog behaviourist with focus on scared, insecure, and traumatized dogs. Sandra is the one who evaluates all the dogs at the rescue.
We take care of animals that are usually not chosen otherwise – those who are a little older, sick and who need that little extra to have a good life. We give them what they need here at the rescue.
With our extensive knowledge, especially in rescues and insecure dogs, we offer lectures and private consultations to help more dogs.
The Sanctuary
Some of the dogs that we help have a great need for rehabilitation, medication, or lifelong care – often seniors who live the rest of their lives here with the right care and love.
Get involved
Except for donations to be able to help dogs, we also need your attention and your interest! If you love saving dogs as much as we do, feel free to follow our social media, share our posts and remember that even the smallest donations make a difference! Tell your friends.
The dogs’ survival and opportunities to find new homes depend on how much our message is shared. You can also choose your favorite dog here at the sanctuary and sponsor them. This means that we can continue to save seniors who need many sponsors because their care costs are often high. YOU can become their hero!
Stray dogs and shelter dogs – philosophy and dog psychology. 2-hour lecture for SEK 269. Buy access on Facebook here.
3-hour lecture on “Handling scared, insecure and aggressive dogs”. SEK 299. Buy access on Facebook here.
Lecture of about 2 hours with important content for you who want to adopt a dog. SEK 349. Buy access on Facebook here.